Hinkley, CA
ph: 760-514-3440
We are a 10 acre ranch in the Mojave Desert in southeastern California, midway between Los Angeles and Las Vegas at an elevation of 2200 feet. Winter temperatures drop to 12 degrees F and summers hit a maximum of 130 F in the direct sun.
We have vegetables and fruit, potted plants and trees, eggs, chickens, and non GMO desert adapted open pollinated seeds. We do not use any toxic chemicals, GMO feeds or GMO seeds. We use only natural, organic, bio-dynamic and permaculture methods.
The HEALTH of the soil, air, water, plants, animals and people are our primary concerns.
We are making the barren desert environment more useful, productive and comfortable to live in by installing drip irrigation, planting windbreaks, cover crops and shade trees; and building shade shelters. We are encouraging dormant native seeds to grow in the niches we create, plus we sow California native wildflower seeds in favorable spots before winter rains fall.
Copyright 2015 Aquarius Ranch. All rights reserved.
Hinkley, CA
ph: 760-514-3440